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Please take a few moments to congratulate Pauline and John on their 50th anniversary. We are sure they will enjoy reading your messages. There is no limit to the amount of text you can write.

Author Comment
Trish & Terry Shakeshaft
Guestbook #1

Submitted on Thu, 9 May 2013
11:12:12 +0000
Dear John & Pauline, Many belated
congratulations for your Golden
Wedding. So pleased that we got to
se you in church on Sunday. It was a
really lovely service, very meaningful
for those of us who know you. Thank
you for the lovely cake that Pauline
made which we enjoyed with our
French visitors in Lyme Regis on
Friday. Hopefully we can get togrther
for a belated celebratin soon. Much
Love Trish and Terry

Jenny Harrison
Guestbook #1

Submitted on Tue, 7 May 2013
09:43:19 +0000
Dear Pauline and John
Congratulations on your Golden
Wedding Anniversary and I wish you
both many more happy years
together. Love Jenny xx (MU Office)

Erin Pocock
Guestbook #1

Submitted on Mon, 6 May 2013
15:29:49 +0000
Congrats!! Love, Erin, Scott, Keelin &

Wendy and John Kirk
Guestbook #1

Submitted on Sun, 5 May 2013
22:14:48 +0000
Congratulations from Canada on this
very special occasion! 50 years
together is awsome. An anniversary
quote for Pauntyusualline and John "
Marriage is a journay that continues
thru' a lifeime as two people discover
what it means to give everythin for
the on thing that matters most –
LOVE" May you always be tigether
until one of you places the other
lovengly in God's arms. Blessings on
your 50th – John and Wendy

Pat Pocock
Guestbook #1

Submitted on Sun, 5 May 2013
20:47:56 +0000
As the Love in your hearts was
revealed in each vow, may you

always remember that joy you felt
then and feel now. May you
remember the being together is a joy
in itself to be treasured forever.As
you begin another year in your life's
journey, may your footsteps be light
with hope and your path be bright
with the excitement of new
discoveries. Congratulations on your
50th and warmest best wishes for the
future. With our love, Pat and Bruce

Pat & Bruce
Guestbook #1

Submitted on Sun, 5 May 2013
01:40:44 +0000
Congratulations on your 50th.
Anniversary. Many you continue to
have many more years ahead, and I
am told that diamonds look good any
time. Bruce and Pat

Pat, Mark and Monica
Guestbook #1

Submitted on Sun, 5 May 2013
01:13:16 +0000
Congratulations on your golden
anniversary!!! You two are certainly
off to a great start! Here's to many
more happy days together! Love, Pat,
Mark and Monica

Eric, Kris, Tony and Dylan
Guestbook #1

Submitted on Sun, 5 May 2013
01:12:36 +0000
Congratulations on reaching 50 years
together! Wishing you a great day
and many more years together.
Happy Anniversary! Love Eric, Kris
Tony and Dylan

Sigrid and Helmut
Guestbook #1

Submitted on Sat, 4 May 2013
22:20:27 +0000
Dear Pauline, dear John, happy
golden wedding. Warm regards from
Sigrid and Helmut. We allways
remember this nice days we have
had in Duisburg during the
Autobahnparty and we always felt
very welcome in your home.

Tiffany, Clarence, Grace, Victoria
and Jack

Submitted on Sat, 4 May 2013
21:54:52 +0000
Happy 50th Aunt Pauline and Uncle
John!!!! Continue the love! Hugs and

Guestbook #1 love, Tiffany, Clarence, Grace,

Victoria and Jack

Rosalind Bizley
Guestbook #1

Submitted on Sat, 4 May 2013
19:48:54 +0000
Congratulations to you both, and
every blessing for the years ahead.
From Ros, with love.

Beryl Juchau
Guestbook #1

Submitted on Sat, 4 May 2013
18:11:43 +0000
Congratulations Pauline and John!!
We have known each other more
than 40 years and have many happy
memories. thinking of you both here
in Spain and hope you are having a
good sunny day.We look forward to
many more visits here and us to you
good health permitting.We will raise a
glass this evening. Cheers and well
done! Love Beryl and Frank

Dawn Pocock
Guestbook #1

Submitted on Sat, 4 May 2013
14:58:50 +0000
Happy Anniversary to you! Happy
Anniversary to you! Happy
Anniversary dear John and Pauline!
Happy Anniversay to you! Bring on
the medals!bb

Guestbook #1

Submitted on Sat, 4 May 2013
13:58:28 +0000
Congratulations John and Pauline,
we hope you have a wonderful
celebration today on your Golden
Wedding anniversary. Best wishes
Margaret, Mike Will & Chris

Sue and Jim Pettifer
Guestbook #1

Submitted on Sat, 4 May 2013
10:16:24 +0000
Congratulations Pauline and John.
We wish you many more happy years
together. Well done! With love from
Sue and Jim.

Bill & Diana Burn
Guestbook #1

Submitted on Sat, 4 May 2013
09:22:02 +0000
Congratulations on this wonderful
milestone in your lives. Enjoy the
day… May the Fourth be with you! Bill
& Diana

Linda Lowis
Guestbook #1

Submitted on Sat, 4 May 2013
09:14:46 +0000
Many many congratulations on your
fiftieth anniversary. What an occasion
Ian and I made forty eight years. You
have to have tough hides!!!!!!!!!! Love
Linda Lowis

Jon & Mel
Guestbook #1

Submitted on Sat, 4 May 2013
09:10:58 +0000
To John & Pauline. Have a very
happy Golden Wedding Anniversary!
Enjoy your day and may you have
many more happy years to come.
With our very Best Wishes Jon & Mel
(Dorset Fire & Chimney Centre)

Linda Crawford
Guestbook #1

Submitted on Sat, 4 May 2013
08:49:08 +0000
Many congratulations to you both on
your Golden Wedding Anniversary. I
hope you both have a truly 'Golden
Day'. Best wishes Lindaxxx

Pat & Jan
Guestbook #1

Submitted on Sat, 4 May 2013
06:41:29 +0000
Congratulations on 50 Years, hope to
see you this summer Love Pat & Jan
New Zealand

Guestbook #1

Submitted on Sat, 4 May 2013
04:19:26 +0000
Hi Pauline and John: My sincerest
congratulations on your Golden
anniversary. I'm sure 50 years have
gone by quickly. I have enjoyed going
through all the photographs. Your
children did a wonderful job. It's so
nice to be in touch after such a long
time. With much love, Dolores

Maggie Wiscombe
Guestbook #1

Submitted on Sat, 4 May 2013
02:03:23 +0000
Congratulations on celebrating 50
wonderful years!!! Thank you also for
all your support for me, and my
family, since we have known you.
Pauline, thank you for putting up with
my singing over so many years, it has
been such fun. John, you look really

cute in your scout cap and woggle,
think it must be about time for our
annual tipple in The Oak. I loved
looking through your photos. I know
that you will both have a wonderful
day with family and friends and hope
to catch up with you soon when I
move back home to Charmouth.
Happy days!

Ryan and Mary and Rylynn Kalp
Guestbook #1

Submitted on Sat, 4 May 2013
00:48:45 +0000
Congratulations to two of the most
FUN and AWESOME people we
know!!! We love you both and this is
such a cool and thoughtful idea!!! All
the best and have a great day (and
many more to follow) With love from
your "Family of the Heart" here in
Canada!! xooxoxo Ryan and Mary
and Rylynn Kalp

Rick and Karen Stainthorpe
Guestbook #1

Submitted on Fri, 3 May 2013
23:48:18 +0000
Congratulations and Best Wishes it
istrulyablessing to know you
andshareinthis occasion with you.
What an accomplishment and a
testament to your love for each other
and your family, and extended family
too.hope you have a wonderful day
and enjoy the event withall gathered

The other David &Julie
Guestbook #1

Submitted on Fri, 3 May 2013
23:38:46 +0000
Pauline & John Congratulations on
your Golden Wedding Anniversary –
50 years, that is wonderful! We hope
that you have a very enjoyable week
end of Celebrations with friends and
family. With our love, David & Julie R

Philip & Caroline Morgan-smith
Guestbook #1

Submitted on Fri, 3 May 2013
22:26:15 +0000
Have a great day and many more to
come . . , very best wishes Philip &

Jane and Stephen Skinner Submitted on Fri, 3 May 2013
Guestbook #1

21:24:58 +0000
This comes with love, prayers and
best wishes for a wonderful
celebration of your Golden Wedding
Hoping you have many happy
memories created to add to those
you've already made over these
years. With thanks for all you
contribute to the life of St. Andrews
and Charmouth. We can confirm the
warmth of welcome that you
extended to us when we first looked
at the Golden Cap Team and had the
challenge of making our home here
amongst you all. Your generosity
touched us then and continues to
bless us and so many others now.
John had better not read that bit or
else he'll come over all gruff!!! With
much love Jane and Stephen

Guestbook #1

Submitted on Fri, 3 May 2013
21:18:10 +0000
Congratulations to Pauline and John
on your 50th Wedding
Anniversary,wonderful! Jayne Smith

Jim Moseley
Guestbook #1

Submitted on Fri, 3 May 2013
19:41:38 +0000
Congratulations to you both on your
50th anniversary. Pauline, you have
no idea who I am … but John and I
lived fairly close to each other, went
to the same 'Lavender College' …
had an air raid shelter at end of
garden and I collected warm shrapnel
too – for 'show and tell' in the
playgrouind next day. We met as
members of the Enfield model aircraft
club for a short period before John
entered the RAF John, your early
interest in aviation served you well
through life – congratulations on that
also. I, too, married a Canadian gal
since emigrating to Ontario.. Wishing
you both a very happy celebration
tomorrow – and many more years yet

to come.. Jim Moseley

John and Sylvia
Guestbook #1

Submitted on Fri, 3 May 2013
17:52:09 +0000
Many congratulations John and
Pauline. How time flies when you're
having fun! Have a happy day and
may God bless you both today and
always. Love John and Sylvia

Geoffrey & Jill Sell
Guestbook #1

Submitted on Fri, 3 May 2013
10:24:42 +0000
Congratulations! Our best wishes to
you both. The wedding photo of you
two looks very like one of ours —
what happened to you John?

Maurice Budden
Guestbook #1

Submitted on Fri, 3 May 2013
08:35:36 +0000
Congratulations, Pauline and John!
Here's to the next 50! Maurice

Charles and Myra Sealy
Guestbook #1

Submitted on Thu, 2 May 2013
20:06:03 +0000
Well done both of you! We wish you
a wonderful anniversary Saturday
and many more very happy years
together. With love Charles and Myra

Pam Ladd
Guestbook #1

Submitted on Thu, 2 May 2013
13:40:51 +0000
Dear Pauline and John Many
congratulations to you both – a super
helpful and upbeat pair. Hope you
have a wonderful celebration for your
Golden Wedding Day and the years
to come will be just as golden. Keep
making the super cakes, Pauline!
With love – Pam xx

Guestbook #1

Submitted on Thu, 2 May 2013
09:47:16 +0000
Hi John & Pauline Congratulations on
a fantastic achievement – I hope you
have a wonderful celebration. All the
very best Ros

Edna & Pete
Guestbook #1

Submitted on Thu, 2 May 2013
09:40:44 +0000
Congratulations Pauline and John on
a wonderful anniversary. We hope

you have a great day and many more
of them. All the best and love Edna &

Guestbook #1

Submitted on Thu, 2 May 2013
09:33:35 +0000
To the both of you, Best wishes John
and Pauline. I have had a very
entertaining 10 minutes looking back
through the archive of photo's… my
personal favourites being the fancy
dress ones very fetching! How you
have put up with the lovely John for
sooooo many years i will never know!
ha ha. My fondest wishes to you both
for all your help and support down at
the Coast Centre and also on a
personal level, your help and advice
on all things DIY (John) and top tips
for baking dundee cakes (Pauline).
Looking back over the years since i
have been working at the Centre you
have both played a part part in much
of the fun and giggles and it has been
great to get to know your family and
watching year by year the boys get
taller and older. Best wishes and
much love, Meirel

Gary C-Jowett
Guestbook #1

Submitted on Wed, 1 May 2013
13:19:59 +0000
Dear John & Pauline,
congratulations! What a wonderful
milestone, love to you both from Gary
& Cathy in Bournemouth. xxx

Phil Davidson
Guestbook #1

Submitted on Wed, 1 May 2013
12:05:56 +0000
Hi John and Pauline, Just a quick
message to say I hope you have a
great day on Saturday and I will be
thinking of you both. Look forward to
hearing about your day and looking
at the photos. Lots of love, Phil

Julie and Dave Bowden
Guestbook #1

Submitted on Tue, 30 April 2013
19:48:16 +0000
Congratulations Mum and Dad on 50
Golden Years. As you look back at all
the photos I am sure you feel that

time has flown by. There are so many
happy memories of times spent with
good family and friends; thank you for
the love and care you have given to
us all. You continue to live life to the
full; so much so most of us have
difficulty keeping up with what you
are up to next!! Enjoy this Golden
Year and many more to come. Much
love Julie and Dave xxxx

Steve, Renate, Jannik and Leon
Guestbook #1

Submitted on Tue, 30 April 2013
19:01:03 +0000
Congratulations Mum & Dad /
Grandma & Grandpa on 50 golden
years together. Have a great time
celebrating. We hope you enjoy the
website. We´ve certainly had a lot of
fun doing it as well as looking at all
the photos of you again, to chose
which ones to publish here! Lots of
love from Steve, Renate, Jannik &