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Here you will find some galleries of Pauline and John. They have both been very fortunate to have remained relatively fit and as a result been able to enjoy many trips away together. They have also gone on some wonderful holidays with their grandchildren and Renate and Steve in Germany as well as trips with them to the USA and Canada. At home, they have spent many memorable weekends with Julie and Dave exploring the coastlines and countryside of England. It is no surprise that there are more photos of them on holiday, than in any other gallery!

If you compare the photos with those from 10 years ago, you will notice that Pauline and John as well as Julie and Dave, Renate and Steve have miraculously not visibly aged at all! It is only the size of their grandchildren Jannik and Leon, which will indicate the passing passage of time. If you have any photos of yourself, together with John and Pauline, which you would like to have published on the website, please send them to

Most of the photos published here are more recent ones. If you would like to look at some of the older photos, click on archive and visit the galleries there.